I started this diary at the turn of the millennium; it is a very personal reflection of the years since, whilst offering a glimpse into the ups and downs of living the single life in the 21st century.
Click on the year to read the month on month journal.
My role at work moves on and for the first half of the year I divide my time between my flat in Bath, the office in London and Tom's place in Kent. Talk about being a gipsy! But things also move on with Tom and in August I move into his place in Ashford. Travels so far, all with Tom: Paris, Venice, Cologne, Vancouver and New England.
Turning 40 in February. Buying a flat and moving to Bath near the Welsh boarder in April. Iraq war and SARS, both hitting my industry hard. Ever increasing pressure at work and new boss. Meeting Tom online in August, our first date in October in San Francisco. Other travels to Dublin, Belfast, Devon, Wales, Sussex, Vancouver, Mexico and Cologne for Christmas.
Cosy couple life until the summer. Frustration at work, neverending problems. Break up with Robert in August. Move to Richmond. Create and present a workshop on how to get over a broken heart. Ending the year in England feeling happy, despite uneasiness over approaching Iraq war. Travels to Mallorca, Valencia, Cornwall, Cologne and a narrowboat trip along the river Wey.
Surgery to have an organ removed. Moving to Godalming, back into my own flat. Redundancy. New job with AirPlus. Meeting Robert in August and enjoying a very romantic and beautiful autumn. September 11. Travels to Stockholm, Edinburgh, Wales, Jersey, the Peak District, Frankfurt and Vancouver for Christmas.
Spending the millennium in Canada. Moving to East Sheen, sharing a flat with Astrid and Ian and Lotti. My grandparents pass away. Launching www.snogg.net. Claudia's wedding. Petrol crisis and appearance on BBC2 dating program. Kissing a few frogs. Travels to Trinidad & Tobago, Stockholm, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Vancouver, Carcassone, Cologne and Northern Germany.