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We have a new MD and he offers me a different role of dealing only with the travel agents and backoffice system providers, with the aim to overview and speed up their connections. In itself a welcome change although it means even more pressure but in a different way. My main issue is lack of motivation and I admit to feeling isolated too since my move. Don't get me wrong: I expected this so am prepared to deal with it. Still, I do need to think about that question and start looking for some answers.

Holiday - at last!! Going to Vancouver with Rachel; we fly stand by on our concessions and all goes well, business class out and return, the extra space makes all the difference longhaul. We have a wonderful time and the hot and sunny weather throughout makes it perfect.

We stay with Claudia and the kids for the first few days, then take a 2-day trip to Tofino on Vancouver Island. Pretty much the same thing I did with Robert over Christmas 2001 but coming here in the summer is simply wonderful. We discover Tofino's private beach, take a one hour floatplane trip (we got some extra time because we picked up a researcher from one of the small islands) and see wales from the air. At "The Inn at Tough City" we savour the most delicious gourmet food whilst surrounded by the most stunning views across the fjords and islands. It is a magical place. Back in Vancouver we explore downtown, Granville Market, English Bay and Stanley Park, followed by a BBQ at Barbara and Les' in their new house in Kitsilano. Also catch up with ex boyfriend Jamie and his lovely family on our last day before we fly back, it was really nice to see them all again.

Although we only have 8 full days in the end it seems like much longer and as always I get a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation from being in Vancouver. And I am glad that Rachel loved it just as much.

With Claudia and the kids (Christopher & Catalina) at Granville Market

Barbara - a German friend of Claudia's who is from Cologne and went to the same school as I did!

Lunch at Bridges on Granville Island

Suntanning at English Bay - what a view!

Tofino Air scenic flight

View from our B&B

View from "Tough City's" patio - this is definitely one of the most special and unexpected places I have been to

Dinner at Steveston Marina with Lynn